Our Team
We are a blended team of Psychiatric professionals who focus on providing inclusive quality care to the underserved Northeast BC.
Dr Carolyn Jones
MBChB FRCP(C) FCPsych (SA)#fhtogglels/Read Full Bio/Close/ib
After 10 years as a family physician, ER doc and palliative care physician, I trained as a psychiatrist. In 2001 I relocated to Fort St John. I’m privileged as a psychiatrist to serve the people of NE BC. I’m a physician to patients, a teacher for medical students and residents, and represent the physicians of FSJ in the hospital. In early 2020, our amazing clinic team began to train in DBT and CBT. It's important to me that bringing these therapies to NE BC, also saves patients travel and accommodation costs. I love the beautiful northern BC outdoors, gardening, and cross-country skiing.
Dr Pamela Jee
FRCP(C), MBBCh (SA) CCT Gen Adult Psych (UK)#fhtogglels/Read Full Bio/Close/ib
I’ve worked in mental health for over 18 years. After qualifying as a GP, I specialized in Psychiatry in the UK. I completed a postgraduate diploma in Consultation and the Organisation: Psychodynamic Approaches through the University of East London, UK, in collaboration with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. In 2015, I relocated to Canada. In 2020 we founded our clinic to provide more comprehensive mental health care in our rural community. We believe in multidisciplinary work. We offer people choices in their treatment, whether that might include medication or evidence-based psychotherapy. In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors with my dogs.
Hunter Browne
BA Psyc.#fhtogglels/Read Full Bio/Close/ib
In the summer of 2021, I began working at the Clinic. My B.A. in Psychology is from the UBC: Okanagan. I’m CBT trained and actively training in DBT. Working at the clinic supports me with daily learning. Watching others learn and grow gives me immense pleasure. I find meaning in being compassionate and helping others to be compassionate towards themselves. In my free time, I value quality time with my loved ones, and being in nature.
Ibolya Agoston
#fhtogglels/Read Full Bio/Close/ib
As a Registered Psychiatric Nurse, I’ve over 20 years of healthcare experience in northeast BC. My qualifications include a B.A. in Social Work and a Masters in the Science of Nursing. I find it increasingly important to apply a lens of social justice and equity to my work. Teaching aspects of healthy living and DBT are some of the highlights of my week. In my free time, I enjoy walking and gardening.
Jeff Thompson
(BSW), (RSW)#fhtogglels/Read Full Bio/Close/ib
For the past 20 years, I have worked in the human services field supporting individuals with multiple challenges to strive for a better quality of life. For the past four years, I have worked in mental health as a registered social worker. My approach is through a lens of non-judgment and inclusion. I joined this clinical team two years ago and what an incredible experience it has been. I've trained in DBT, CBT, and Lifestyle Medicine. Teaching these evidence-based therapies has allowed me to witness incredible life changes in people's lives.
Julie Foster
BA Psyc. MACP (IP)#fhtogglels/Read Full Bio/Close/ib
I have a B.A. in Psychology from the UBC: Okanagan. I’ll complete my Masters in Counselling at the University of Yorkville in December 2022. My research considers how mood disorders, trauma, and family systems may influence one another. In the clinic, I support adolescents, families, and adults with anxiety, depression, and personality disorders. I enjoy outdoor time with loved ones and my dog Lucy on weekends, as we garden, hike, and kayak.
Lindsay Reimer
RPN#fhtogglels/Read Full Bio/Close/ib
As a Psychiatric Nurse, I’ve worked in a variety of community settings over the past 10 years. In 2021, I joined the clinic and completed my DBT training. I’m deeply invested in people and their journeys. Creating relationships built on mutual trust, authenticity, and genuineness is important to me. A lifelong learner, I enjoy gaining new skills. My personal priorities include family time, nature, history, and travel. I’ve a goal to go somewhere new each year.
Maureen Simmons
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With more than 20 years of business administration experience, I'm delighted to recently join the clinic. The team is very friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful. In my spare time, I quilt and knit and enjoy making special items for family and friends. My biggest life lesson is not to dwell on things that you cannot change. Instead, make the changes that are within your control! Live life to the fullest as tomorrow is not promised.